Most of us spend our lives earning and accumulating wealth, jewels, property and other worldly possessions. When worldly responsibilities are done and over, we may sit back and relax, travel, indulge in prayers and meditation - as per our state of mind. Most of us want happiness and peace.

There was a man who had a lot of wealth but yearned for peace of mind. He roamed the world in search of happiness and peace. He met many learned people and asked them how he should attain happiness and peace. Different people had different opinions. Some said that he should indulge in good deeds like helping the needy, feeding poor people, doing philanthropic activities in hospitals or old age homes. Others told him that he should spend more time in prayer and meditation. Some told him to enjoy life, spend more time with family, go for long walks, sun bathe, detox, etc.

On a whim, he sold all his property and bought some diamonds and precious stones, putting them into a pouch. He met many wise men, saints, priests and told them, “If you can help me find peace, I shall give this pouch of precious stones to you. Because all I want is peace. I want to experience peace!”

Years passed and he met many saints, but no one was able to satisfy him in his quest for peace. One day he asked his question to a sadhu (ascetic). The sadhu looked around, and when no one was watching, snatched the pouch of precious stones from him and disappeared.

Suddenly he realised that he had lost everything. That pouch had all his wealth in it! As night fell, the man suddenly saw his precious pouch lying in the middle of the road, with no one around! He picked it up, opened it, and was relieved to find all his precious stones in there. Not a single one was missing. Just then, the robber-sadhu appeared from behind a boulder and asked, “Are you happy? Are you experiencing peace?”

The man exclaimed, “Yes!” The Sadhu asked, “Why?” The man said, “Because all my precious stones are in there, none is missing. I am relieved and happy. I am at peace.” The Sadhu said, “This pouch was with you earlier as well. Why were you not peaceful then?” The man had no reply. The sadhu said, “It is because you did not value the precious stones then. You did not have the fear of losing them. When you lost them, you realised their value. Now that you have found them, you are at peace.”

So too, it is with us. It is only one who has lost a limb, that realises the value of having limbs. It is only one who has missed a flight, that realises the value of one minute. It is only one who has lost a young child, that realises the value of progeny. It is only one who has lost his parents that realises the value of parents. Strangely, none of us remembers to thank god for our limbs, parents, spouse, health, friends, job, children; the list is endless.

A man said to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, “I want peace.” Baba said, “Remove the ‘I’. Remove the ‘want’. What is left?” I find this statement to be extremely profound. Removing the “I” means removing ego. Removing the “want” means removing undue desires. Sublime peace reigns! The golden path to peace is renunciation of ego and desires!

My grandmother would often say, “Praapt hi paryaapt hai,” meaning whatever you have; whatever god has given you, is enough for you. Be happy and peaceful with your lot and do not crave for too much. When you are satisfied and grateful for what you have, you shall be happy and peaceful! Don’t undermine the value of what you have, while searching frantically for more.

[email protected]

(The writer is a Chandigarh-based contributor)

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