Lotus Chocolate share price: Shares of Lotus Chocolate continued the downward rally over the past few days, hitting the 5% lower circuit for the 8th straight day. However, shares of Mukesh Ambani-backed firm settled on a higher note with a 5% upper circuit at Rs 1,821.85 apiece, against the previous day close Rs 1,735.10 apiece. The stocks are down over 10% in the past 5 days. A total of 1.82 lakh equities exchanged hands on Wednesday, September 04.
The stock's downward rally came after the stocks hitting the consecutive upper circuits for straight 26 days. The intraday high and low of the stock remained at Rs 1,821.85 and Rs 1648.35 respectively. The high volume in the stocks came post the robust 4605% YoY jump in net profit of the company in Q1FY25.
The Company reported that its consolidated revenue from operations surged a 340% at Rs 141.39 crore in Q1FY25, versus Rs 32.48 crore in Q1FY24. The Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the company grew to Rs 7.33 per share for Q1. EPS indicates how much money a company earns on each stock.
(Disclaimer: The above article is meant for informational purposes only, and should not be considered as any investment advice. ET NOW DIGITAL suggests its readers/audience to consult their financial advisors before making any money related decisions.)
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